Grow Bag Watering

Watering your Bagoplant Grow Bag Kit is simple and rewarding, thanks to its self-regulating design with a grow bag, bamboo saucer, and LECA balls. This thoughtful system makes plant care easy and enjoyable, perfect for both beginners and seasoned plant lovers.

Top Watering

When top watering, water flows evenly through the soil, moistening the roots while excess water drains out the sides of the bag into the LECA balls in the saucer.

We recommend lightly top watering 1 out of every 3 watering cycles.

Bottom Watering

When bottom watering, the LECA balls will absorb water and slow-release it over time into the grow bag. This is a low-maintenance self-watering routine which will keep the bag clean and plant well-hydrated.

Bottom water your plant by filling the saucer with water until the LECA balls are fully saturated. Once saturated, refill the saucer to the lip. This will self-water your plant for an extended period of time.

When to Water Your Bagoplant?

There are three indicators of when to water your plant:

  • When then LECA balls are dry
  • When you squeeze the bag and the soil is loose.
  • When you lift the bag and it is light in weight.