Cleaning Your Grow Bag

Over time, top-watering can cause mineral deposits and soil to accumulate on the outside of the bag. This residue may will not affect the health of the plant or the performance of the grow bag. Bottom-watering also prevents this issues.

Great news - this residue can be easily removed and the bag will look almost brand new!

Step 1

Empty grow bag turned upside down with a spade being used to remove excess dirt from the bag.

Step 2

Use hot water to loosen and rinse off debris from the grow bag.

Step 3

Apply dish detergent around the outside of the grow bag, ensuring full coverage.

Step 4

Fold the bag and rub the outside surfaces against each other until fully lathered with soap.

Step 5

Use hot water to rinse off all the dish detergent from the bag.

Step 6

Fold the bag and gently squeeze it to remove water. Do not twist.

(Repeat Steps 5 & 6 until no more soap remains in the bag.)

Step 7

Place the bag upside down in the sink to allow any remaining soapy water to drain.

Step 8

Replant your plant in the grow bag while it is still damp to help it retain its shape.